
Finding Peace Every Day, in Every Way

Today is world peace day. Peace is such a beautiful thing and feeling. Both within oneself and in harmony with those around us. For me, finding peace in the chaotic world around me is more easily attained when I am at peace internally. One thing that’s been helping me find that inner peace recently is… Continue reading Finding Peace Every Day, in Every Way


It’s Not Easy Being Green

I received an unexpected shock yesterday while watching Instagram Stories. Someone I follow who is loudly and proudly vegan posted a story about how they were planning to throw their Beyond Burger packaging in the garbage until a housemate encouraged them to recycle it. So they walked outside and recycled, taking the extra step put… Continue reading It’s Not Easy Being Green


Who’s In Control?

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” -Marcus Aurelius I have a bad habit of letting outside circumstances get the best of me. This cold I'm recovering from is a perfect example. Last Wednesday I received an alarming text from my parents concerning the health… Continue reading Who’s In Control?


Birthdaze: Coming to Terms with the Passage of Time

My birthday has always been weird for me. From the beginning of July, I start feeling strange. A little restless. Concerned by the fact that another year of my life is about to be over. finding space I don't really like my birthday. It tends to be a stressful day for me. I feel like… Continue reading Birthdaze: Coming to Terms with the Passage of Time