
The Multi-Purpose Mason Jar

What kinds of containers do you use to store ingredients or leftovers in your home? My go-to is the ever reliable mason jar. Even before I started my zero waste journey in earnest earlier this year, I had amassed quite a collection of this zero waste staple. Granted, I went to Target and bought three flats of them in varying sizes. Now that I know how ubiquitous they are in thrift stores I will never buy them new again.
Here are just some of the ways you can utilize these wonderful jars:


Food storage: I prefer to eat fresh cooked food every day, it tastes better to me. So instead of meal prepping, I prep ingredients and store them in jars, washed and ready to use. When there are leftovers, storing in mason jars allows you to portion out exactly how much you want for each serving when it’s time to reheat
Snack transportation: Whether I’m packing snacks to share or just for myself, a mason jar is the perfect size to hold dry or wet snacks; from sunflower seeds and trail mix to grapes and hummus, a jar will keep your snacks from crumbling into tiny pieces or being squashed in transport
Sprouting jar: Do you sprout? Sprouts are baby plants with all the nutrients newly bioavailable, chock full of micronutrients like magnesium, calcium, and zinc, plus a hearty dose of protein. The best part is you can grow these yourself with nearly any nut/seed/grain/legume+a mason jar with a sprouting lid!


Making yogurt: My new personal favorite way to use mason jars is when I’m making coconut yogurt with this recipe from Amanda of Mama Eats Plants. Don’t get me started on this yogurt; it’s vegan, almost zero waste, and sooo creamy and delicious! Plus, when I’m eating it out of the jar, I can tell how much I’ve eaten thanks to the measurement markings on the sides!
Cookie kits: A sweet and simple gift idea. Measure the dry ingredients of your favorite cookie recipe into a mason jar, attach tag with wet ingredients+baking instructions, and give away! Finding, measuring, and putting away all the ingredients can take up a lot of time in the kitchen, with cookie kits most of the work is already done. It’s not often you can give someone else (or yourself) more time, but this is pretty close!
Soap dispenser: Bring a farmhouse feel to your home with a mason jar soap dispenser. Especially easy to fill up on bulk soap, if that’s available in your area, and add this dispenser and viola!
Cocktail shaker: Entertain on a budget. No need for a fancy cocktail shaker, just add this top to convert your handy mason jar into a cute cocktail shaker!
Lanterns: I love lighting candles, especially in the wintertime. I’m always reaching for the matches when they blow out after any movement. Turning mason jars into lanterns is the perfect solution! Keep the warm flame flickering and protected as a lantern with this star lid with handle attachment.
Canning: The original use that they were designed for! Canning is making a resurgence in kitchens across the world as people want to make more of their own food to cut down on waste, as well as know exactly what ingredients are in it. It’s a great way to enjoy the harvest later on in the year when foods like apples and pumpkins are out of season

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